ides of the moon

ides of the moon Summary: I’m writing a Time Travel fix-it GOT FanFic. They kill the Night King, but wake up in their beds with all their memories of their last life. I’m aging up the Starks – they are just too young at the beginning of GOT. Because of the mental time travel they…

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Sneak peak – GOT FanFic

Here is a sneak peak of my upcoming super long time travel fix-it GOT fanfic. I still haven’t named it yet – anyone have any good ideas? Arya wakes up with a scream and looks around wildly. The last thing she remembers is stabbing the Night King, his hands wrapped around her throat, and then…

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Another New GOT Fanfic – Sansa and Arya Wolf Pack Princesses

I’m still writing my epic GOT fix-it fan fic where the Starks go back in time to the beginning with all their memories, however I just wrote a quick little fic and it’s ready to post. This one is mostly Sansa, Arya and Gendry as they travel north away from King’s Landing. I hope you…

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Coming soon – GOT fandom fic

Game of Thrones Fan Fiction: Untitled Summary:  This story will be focused on Arya and Gendry and the bond between the Stark siblings and their wolves. I’m also adding Dragons and Targaryens into that mix.  I’m writing a fix-it, time travel redo fic. They kill the night king, but wake up in their beds with all…

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Mary avenges Ben

This is my first “Mary Kills People” FanFiction. I binge watched the show after finding out the it had the same guy as “Beauty and the Beast 2012”. Let me know what you guys think, I know it’s not my usual fandom, and I will continue my new Sookie & Eric story very soon. Mary…

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The eight senses of Sookie Stackhouse

Summary: This is a story for those of us who couldn’t stand the thought that Freyda wins and Eric is brought so low. Not a redo per se but this story takes a left turn and diverges from cannon about 8 years after Sookie capitulates under extreme duress and ignorance to the divorce. E/S fixit…

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New post – Ch 7 Kali

I have finally updated my story Exile on Main Street – small edits here and there mostly grammar and spelling. And I have posted a new chapter – Chapter 7 Kali I will also be updating the PDF which has the entire story. Check it out here

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